Another No Drill Plate Option

samedi 19 juillet 2014

I sold my US Millworks plate adapter a little while ago. Decided to run no plate for a while but my luck didn't last very long. NJ cops... go figure.

In any case, I decided if I was going to put my plate back on I wanted to avoid the off-centered look so I purchased a Bell license plate adapter at Auto Zone for $7.

The good thing about this kit is that if I ever want to remove the plate, I can simply unscrew half the adapter from the side in less than a minute and take the plate off. I do have zip ties to reinforce/tether the bracket but that can obviously be replaced in no time as well.

1) I then sanded down the plate and gave it 2 coats of good ole Rust-Oleum in Deep Blue. The blue was surprisingly a good match for LMB lol. FYI, the reason to paint the bracket is less about aesthetics but to proven the bracket from rusting.

2) After the 2nd coat, put it in the oven for 10 mins at 200*

3) Replaced the hardware with stainless steel.

4) Add clear duct tape to the back of my plate and glued on some rubber feet to prevent the plate from hitting my bumper.

5) Add some double sided tape to top portion of the plate bracket.

6) Center plate & plate bracket with bumper, secure to the bumper underneath the kidney grills.

7) Folks on e90post used toggle screws but the nose of our bumper extends out pretty far where toggle screws in that length would've been too heavy. Instead I opted for long zip ties, secured the middle part of the plate bracket to the plastic mesh grills.

Here's the final product, total $ spent was $20 and that includes plate bracket, spray paint and screws. FWIW, I first mounted the plate w/o zip ties but during a bad stretch of humid weather the double sided tape had become undone. The 2 coats of spray paint actually adds weight to the bracket so zip ties is a good idea. Last thing you want is your plate bracket to be dangling while driving at 80mph, bouncing off your bumper.

Alternatively if you really wanted you could probably tape some rare earth magnets to the back of your plate and put another set behind your bumper. That would've been cleaner but didn't want to spend the $20 in magnets and have to take off the kidney grills. God knows how many tabs I've broken on my Z4 grills in the past.

(You can see the zip tie sticking out here)

Rubber feet glued to back of my plate (back of plate has layer of duct tape so it's not actually glued to plate)

Nice and centered!

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