Eddy was so

mercredi 14 octobre 2015

After the season, Eddy began training super tough for the NFL Draft hoping to hear his name, even though he knew it would be a long shot since kickers and punters are not usually a hot topic on draft day. After the draft, Eddy was steadily waiting by his phone to hear that ring, but it didn’t come right away.Sitting at the dining room table of his girlfriend’s grandparent’s house one day, Eddy’s phone rang. Eddy looked at his phone and noticed a Texas number, he immediately began hoping that it was either the Dallas Cowboys or Houston Texans, but it was neither. Instead, it was Coach Steve Hoffman of the Oakland Raiders. Coach told him, listen I think you have a good kicking style, you remind me of a young David Akers. After sending Coach some film, Eddy just sat and waited patiently. It wasn’t but two days later and the phone rang again, it was coach again, extending Eddy a workout with the Oakland Raiders. Eddy’s dream was becoming a reality, Eddy knew he had three days to impress the staff in Oakland and was hoping to do so. When he looked at his plane ticket he had a return flight. So not knowing, he packed a couple pairs of boxers, a couple t shirts and a couple pairs of jeans. After a very impressive workout with the Raiders, he was signed. Eddy was so excited, he finally made it."I said thank you to coach and asked him when I needed to return because I had a return flight, FIFA Coins he said you’re not going home, we have OTA’s at six in the morning, I was so pumped, I didn’t care, I told him I will wear Wal Mart clothes until my family sends me my clothes." Carmona understands that he has a huge path in front of him, with one of the best left footed kickers in the NFL in front of him with Sebastian Janikowski. Carmona said "I am just so thankful for this opportunity, I am really blessed to just get this tryout with the Raiders, and I promise I will make the best of it."

Eddy was so

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