Which 7 Seater

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

Since i don't think there is a BMW 7 seater in the US,
here goes the thread
which 7 seater would you get as below from the list or you got other suggestions?

7 seater because i need the space, 2 toddlers and we like to travel by driving when destination not too far, so gotta carry a shit load of stuff and atleast 1 stroller.
also my parents visit from time to time by flying here so it's great to travel all in one car.

below is what have come to my mind, not really fond of japanese 7 seaters, can't tell you why

putting the Escalade there to see how many interests, but a bit too much$$ for me

some may say that these cars are not comparable, but i just want to know, in general preference, what is your pick

Which 7 Seater

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