Look Ma No Water..Keeping it Clean in the CA Mega Drought

jeudi 20 août 2015

As most of you know here in California we're experiencing a mega drought. In the past couple of weeks I received a letter from the water company informing me of the new pricing structure; i.e. my bill may go up 60%. I have two producing acres of avocados, so the rate increase is not small. Many of the other small growers have cut down their trees, but so the world can enjoy my avocados, I'm going to try to tough it out by cutting way back in other areas. Hence cutting way back on car washing.

I detailed the X3 over eight weeks ago. After washing, I apply a glaze, polysealer and then carnauba wax. After reading an article on keeping a car clean without washing I thought I would give it a try. For the eight plus weeks I've used a California Duster and for trouble areas I've used Meguairs Ultimate Wash & Wax Anywhere with a large micro-cloth towel. Seems to be working well and better yet no scratching.

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Look Ma No Water..Keeping it Clean in the CA Mega Drought

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