New Owner and A/C Question

jeudi 19 février 2015

Picked my nearly new pre LCI 30d up last Saturday and am really loving the whole experience so far. I've got to grips with most things but am a little concerned about my A/C.

Its fine when its cold as nice and warm when set on auto and left at 22c. But on tuesday when we had a warmer day in the UK I was trying to get it cooler. Normally if I turn climate control down (or even up) 2-3 degrees I would expect it to blow a little harder to get to the required temp. This didn't seem to be the case until I went down to 16.0c and then it was fine. Turn it up to just 16.5c and it immediately stops blowing like it thinks its at the correct temp when to me it still feels warm.

I will try it out again at the weekend but does it sound like something is wrong thermostat wise?

Also I assume when left on auto the fan speed indicator only stays on the bottom light (far left) - I was expecting it to rise and fall with the speed of the fans?



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