End bulk; start cut

samedi 21 février 2015

It's been almost 8 months since I've been on my first bulk ever (July 1, 2014 - February 21, 2015). Cut starts tomorrow.

Lifts in 1RM went up from:

Deadlift: 265 - 405#

Squat: 190 - 265#

Military Press: 130 - 165#

I don't do flat bench press, but focus on incline dumbbell press. Didn't record starting weight.


Body weight: 168 - 222#

Legs (from highest point on quads): 21.5 - 24"

Arms (not flexed):13.75 - 15.25"

Chest: 38.5 - 42.75"

Waist: 30 - 35.5" :(

Started bulking with 3,000 calories, ended up nearing 3,600 calories. Started getting a little fat with this many.

Will be cutting for 10 weeks at 2,300 calories (and cardio thrown in).



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