Drunk Driving and Illegal? No Problem. Thanks, Obama!

mardi 17 février 2015

Borders wide open? Check.

Border Patrol hamstrung? Check.

Catch-and-release? Check.

Invitation in Central American newspapers to send their kids to America? Check.

Release illegal criminals from jail, into the US? Check.

Executive Order on Immigration? Check.

Bypass Congress on Immigration? Check.

Give illegals a check for $1,000 per child from the IRS, for kids not even living in the US? (Maybe not even kids that exist, as there is no verification) Check.

Let's go ahead and release illegals in the US when they are caught driving drunk:


Thousands of US citizens are victims of crimes by illegals - now our law enforcement is being instructed to release illegal immigrant drunk drivers on the US population. It's a matter of time til this affects each of us individually.

Thanks Obama!

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