Rick Santorum -- I don't want this guy to be POTUS

vendredi 24 juillet 2015


Okay. Now Mr. Santorum may have some good ideas, and more power to him and them if he does. The problem is that those good ideas are held in the same brain that apparently skipped class every time there was a discussion on the basic structure of the U.S.' government, and not once in his subsequent years of living bothered to "borrow a notebook" or something to acquire the missed instruction, apparently not even while he sat as a U.S. Senator or Representative.

I'm not of a mind to deny folks, political candidates, credit for having good ideas. One need not be a genius to have a good idea. However, being grossly ill informed on a matter as basic as the role and primacy of the U.S. Supreme Court is enough for me to feel that I as a citizen am better off if the person who is that ill informed shares his/her good ideas with whoever does get elected to public office rather than our electing them to office.

We all endured eight years of having an intellectual midget in the White House; do we really want or need to do that again? I'd like to know that my President is at least my intellectual equal, but really I rather they be my intellectual superior. If nothing else, it makes possible and plausible their having considered things I haven't.

Sure, anyone can "miss" a key fact on any number of arcane topics, and I wouldn't necessarily think their doing so to be a big deal. But for a former Senator and Representative to have for 20+ years missed, or God forbid ignored, something as basic as the role of the Supreme Court forces me to fear what other basic realities escape him. I wonder what other basic concepts he might not be aware of, or worse, simply choose to ignore in the course of defining policy?

All the best.

Rick Santorum -- I don't want this guy to be POTUS

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