Who's still on FB???

mardi 3 mars 2015

Call me an old man or whatev, but I stepped away from Facebook over two years ago and it seems that almost everyone I talk to has/is stepping away from FB as well. I'm a bit curious to hear who's still riding the FB bandwagon? And if not, what made you step away?

For me and a couple of friends we found that there we were all nauseated by a few choice groups of people who made the decision to avoid FB all too easy (as identified below)...

- The socially awkward aunt that you avoid in real life who leaves out-of-the-blue totally uncalled for comments on your photos/wall

- The token uneducated 27 year old college dropout cousin who still lives at home and loves to share his unsolicited off color political views

- The random High School colleague who PM's you about a "great business opportunity" he has for you to make extra side money

- The all too common, all too typical (and vomit worthy) humble bragger/my life is awesome/one upper


That said, I think it might be time to head back to MySpace again :lol:

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