Someone keeps breaking my rear windshield. What can i do to catch this guy????

mardi 27 janvier 2015

Ok so heres the deal, some asshole keeps smashing in my rear windshield! Twice this week and five times total in the span of several years. He just happens to be fixated on my car for some unknown reason. I do have security cameras in front of my house but sometimes i have to park further away from the house( nyc is tough to find parking) and i have not been able to catch him on any cameras. Now the crazy thing is that he does this to other cars as well but has been doing it to mine in particular this past week. I just fixed it and he smashed it again the next day. What can i do to catch him in the act because he obviously does it either in te early morning hours or in todays after 7am. This has royally pissed me off because calling the cops is basically useless. I called them for the first two and they were unable to catch anyone. There is another crazy twist in this whole fiasco which is i kind of have an idea of who it might be. Several reasons to believe it is this certain guy is that 1) i hang out late and when i come home in the early morning hours 2am or 3am i will see this "guy" on my block when he does not live on my block. 2) my neighbor, who also had his window smashed twice told me he once encoubtered a guy outside his house once late at night fiddling with tools and my neigjbor shouted hey what are you doing on my lawn with those tools and he said with a straight face " i use these tools to break into cars" and then he walked away casually as if that was normal. When i told him to describe to me this guy who said this, he fit the description to a tee! Bald white male in his late 40s and heavy set. He usually goes around on a bike in our neighborhood. I even have a rough idea where he lives because i was born and raised in this town and i have seen this guy around for the past 15 years here and there. The problem is that i have no visible evidence on record of him doing it but me and my neighbor put two and teo together and had an A-ha! moment when we figured it was probably this douche doing this. I also afraid if we decide to do somethibg he may come retaliate with something violent. I need some way to catch him on video doing this. Maybe someone knows of a good blackboz that can record stuff all night long and can be put inside the car? I am adding window insurance now and all that but it is annoying coming out of my house to find glass shattered all up in the car.

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