Can someone explain to me why we should take even one syrian refugee

lundi 16 novembre 2015

Obama is forcing now 250,000 refugees to come in to the US. Why?
Problems with this:
1. Every security official and law enforcement official says there's no way to vet them. Zero. The only discenter to this the deputy director of Homeland Security. He doesn't explain how you verify a young man with no papers, nothing, that he is or isn't an Islamic radical.
2. ISIS used the refugee migration to invade Europe. One of the terrorists in Paris was a refugee.
3. ISIS has vowed they will do this specifically and that Washington DC is on the hit list.
4. Merkel says the integration of even the peaceful so far refugees into Germany has been disastrous.

Why would he want this?
Only reason I can possibly think is that like his executive order on illegal aliens, he wants to stuff the Democrat ballot boxes by importing votes, in this case 0.1% of the US population who will undoubtedly vote democratic as a result. Considering all the elections since '88 were decided by about 1%or less popular vote, this and the illegal alien act and buying votes with food stamps, etc, his plan is to try to hold democrats in power.

1. the vast majority of the US population is against this
2. This is dangerous to the US in so many ways
3. We owe these people nothing
4. There are alternatives he won't explore
5. These people will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to care for

Think about that. The cost to take care of these people will be the same or more than the Iraq war. 4,000 soldiers died in Iraq. If ISIS can smuggle in 0.1% of the refugees, that's 250 terrorists. 8 terrorists did Paris. 126 dead. How many could 250 kill? Coordinated simultaneous suicide bombings at every NFL stadium on sunday? Major buildings in DC?
Disney? Space Center? NYC? Etc etc etc.

Set up a safe zone. Arm the kurds to police it. Use air power to defend it. Etc.

Then kill the problem. Set up a coalition with euros and friendly sun countries, egypt, jordan, saudi, and have those countries be the permanent occupying force. These refugees are sunni.

This sucks in so many ways. There is bipartisan support against it. Is there any way to stop it?

Can someone explain to me why we should take even one syrian refugee

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