Admins - False Accusations

mercredi 11 novembre 2015

I have to clear the air here as it really bothers me you guys throw around accusations and not let me defend myself. That in itself seems against your own policy but whatever. I'm still baffled that you guys keep closing my thread stating I had personal-gain involving an infraction when that couldn't be further from the truth. I had absolutely no gain, helll I don't even know how to code. I simply invited someone to join a local BMW meet and do some coding while we were there. If people wanted to have their cars codes by another party they could but he would charge them, not me. At the time I had no idea it would be considered a commercial post and for that I received an infraction, understandable, my mistake. Fast forward I think 2 years later and I still cannot PM because of this infraction even after its expired. I question why and you guys publically accuse me of having personal gain, hence the infraction.

Fact is I had no personal gain as it was another party providing the coding service. I have no gain in being dishonest in this fruitless quest to gain PM privileges but I don't appreciate your attempt to question my character and falsely accuse me of something I did not do. :mad0260:

End rant.

Admins - False Accusations

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