Moderator needed regarding infraction.

mardi 15 septembre 2015

I was just contacted by a Dackelone on the forum regarding posting something inappropriate to another member's for sale thread. I commented to the thread with a question as an interested party for the item being sold:

Then another member, not the seller, commented that he had experience with the seller and had been ripped off by them. I then comment to that "Ewww" insinuating that it was a good thing I saw that before sending this seller my money. I then was contacted by Dackelone that I needed to:

STOP posting BS in other peoples FS threads.

I know you two have a history. IF you can't say something positive...then do not bother posting.

I received an infraction for inappropriate behavior on the thread. I have ZERO history with either the seller or the one that commented on that post. I have never sold or bought anything on this forum, I know MAYBE 3 people here and neither of those members are on that list.

How to I get this correct as I am clearly not the one who is as fault here and my posting was not malicious or damaging in anyway. There is no history. I feel that this Dackelone is using his authority unjustly and bullying.

Please help, thanks.

Moderator needed regarding infraction.

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