Any Chiropractors here?

jeudi 3 septembre 2015

I'm looking for advice on what I can do to help my Chiropractor to get my hips unstuck.
My lower back is always a problem and rarely ever pops. The last 6 (best I can recall) visits (over the course of 5 months probably) he has not got my lower back to pop once. He's a stalky 240# guy and I'm around 200#. He can literately jump on my bent leg and it goes nowhere. DO the 'therapy' (electro shock) thing foe 15 minutes to try and loosen things up. Nothing.
I can try to stretch all I want and I just don't loosen up or budge.
It's to the point where I just don't want to go in because I know it's going to do no good.
I never ask the right questions but, going off a picture I found I'm going to say it's my L5 and Sacrum that is bound up.

Is it time for a X-Ray to find out what's going on there?

btw, this has been a problem area for me for most of my life. Probably because ever job I've had requires lifting moderate and sometimes clumsy loads.

Any Chiropractors here?

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