So after reaching the golden 1200 miles happen to run into an Audi RS3 this morning, and luckily for me my commute involves a couple of roundabout on dual carriageways so good for that cornering acceleration test.
Have to say either mine isn't quite run in yet or the RS3 is just super quick but just couldn't pick between them, basically kept up but would not have overtaken, only up to 80-90 (Good ole speed gong) then eased off so maybe the later numbers would have made a difference!
On paper they're very similar with give and takes on BHP, Torque, Weight, 0-62, good bit of fun and I think i saw him look a little deflated when he spotted the 335d on the back when he pulled in to turn off. :)
So after reaching the golden 1200 miles happen to run into an Audi RS3 this morning, and luckily for me my commute involves a couple of roundabout on dual carriageways so good for that cornering acceleration test.
Have to say either mine isn't quite run in yet or the RS3 is just super quick but just couldn't pick between them, basically kept up but would not have overtaken, only up to 80-90 (Good ole speed gong) then eased off so maybe the later numbers would have made a difference!
On paper they're very similar with give and takes on BHP, Torque, Weight, 0-62, good bit of fun and I think i saw him look a little deflated when he spotted the 335d on the back when he pulled in to turn off. :)
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